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Lack of resources for access professionals and other supporting professionals in HEI

Both the government and post-secondary institutions allocate inadequate funding, time and other resources for measures that promote accessible learning. 

Action Area #1: Increase government commitment to providing adequate resources for accessible education 

  • Eg. Increase motivation for ensuring accessible learning in order to secure additional resources, shift values and priorities to make this more likely 
  • Increase funding for placement sites 
  • Funding is an indicator of value, increased funding can reduce ableism by demonstrating a commitment to the value of creating access.  
  • Offer incentives to employers for creating more equitable and accessible work environments 

Example tactics: 

  • Policy brief 

Action Area #2: Increase HEI commitment to providing resources for accessible education 

  • Increase motivation for ensuring accessible learning in order to secure additional resources, shift values and priorities to make this more likely 
  • Increase funding for placement sites 
  • Funding is an indicator of value, increased funding can reduce ableism by demonstrating a commitment to the value creating access.  
  • Offer incentives to employers for creating more equitable and accessible work environments 

Example tactics: 

  • Policy brief 

Action Area #3: Develop collaborative processes to increase knowledge and resources among professionals  

  • Develop repository of best practices for placement access 

Example tactics: 

  • Relationship building 
  • UofT has a specific person for this, one of the only institutions to do so