Time and labour intensive accommodations process
Navigating the current accommodations process requires a lot of time and effort for both students and placements.
Action Area #1: Improve the existing process (See above for repeated actions)
- Facilitate better communication between stakeholders
- Sign posting
- Create a simplified decision tree/road map for students
- Speed up the grant/bursary process
- Improve the disclosure process
- Keep documentation on file
- Ensure that accommodations remain consistent across institutions
Action Area #2: Investigate and advocate for alternative processes
- Hire disability clinicians to address the burdens of acquiring documentation
- Implement an intermediary body
- Clarify roles
- Communicate between placement sites and accessibility services
- Provide better training
- Hire disability clinicians
- Ensure ethical and consistent practices
- Simplify the accommodations process
- Arrange accommodations prior to placement
- Investigate non-disclosure routes