
We have set up a community on YorkSpace called WILAA (Work Integrated Learning, Accessibility, Accommodations). YorkSpace is a digital archive hosted by York University Libraries. Materials posted in YorkSpace are free to access, easily searched by search engines and covered by a creative commons license.
WILAA provides a space to collect research or other materials related to Work-Integrated Learning, Accommodation, and Accessibility. While WILAA was created for AcTinSite, the YorkSpace community welcomes materials from other research projects, departments, or individuals.
So far, WILAA includes material from three research projects (AcTinSite, UNLOC, and ACTon) and an AcTinSite partner. Find more details on the research projects in the section called Research Projects Included in the WILAA community.
Submitting to the WILAA Community
You have something related to WIL and accessibility or accommodations? Want to share it with a wide audience? Then the YorkSpace WILAA Community maybe for you! To talk about the benefits and drawbacks of hosting on the WILAA community contact use at
Research Projects Included in the WILAA community

AcTinSite aims to improve accessibility and accommodations for students with disabilities before and during WIL. We do this by collaborating with disabled students, staff at colleges and universities, and staff from health care WIL. We have completed interviews, a qualitative documents analysis, and a design charrette through our collaborations. We will use these data sources to design an intervention into WIL as we move forward.
AcTinSite is a collaboration between with three higher education institutions (George Brown College, University of Toronto, and York University) and two hospitals (The Hospital for Sick Children and Sunnybrook Health Science Centre).
AcTinSite is supported in part by funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.
UNLOC is a qualitative study that used a diary data collection tool to explore nursing students’ experiences with disabilities in clinical placement. The research project aimed to include a diverse cohort of undergraduate nursing students.
This study was a collaboration between George Brown College and York University
UNLOCK is supported in part by funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council

ACTon had participants tell their stories related to accessibility in work-integrated learning (WIL) using Cellphilms. Cellphilms are videos made on a phone or tablet, that are only a few minutes long. Cellphims were shared between disabled students and instructors, which allowed them to respond back with new cellphims.
The research ran at York University, across five different programs. These programs were nursing, athletic therapy, education, social work and law.
Two scripts were made based on the analysis of the cellphims shared by participants. Using the scripts, AcTon made interactive videos with decision points. These videos are being made into different forms in different parts of the WIL process.
ACTon was funded by the Academic Innovation Fund from York University