Dr Nastaran Dadashi, Investigator Design
Professor, Human Factors in Design, George Brown College

Dr. Dadashi is a professor and a Chartered Ergonomist and Human Factors Specialist CErgHF) with experience in human centred design, human factors engineering and adopting mixed methodological approaches to understand complex systems (railway, nuclear and healthcare). She has founded Usability Lab (a multi-million dollar facility at George Brown School of Design) which is utilized during teaching as well as research activities with industrial partners. She is the program coordinator for Honours Bachelor of Digital Experience Design and the research coordinator overseeing Design Centre for the Smart Economy (NSERC-Innovation Enhancement Grant). Dr Dadashi aims to incorporate design thinking to explore multi-agent socio-technical control systems. Examples of such projects include: Fashion Exchange Women in Fashion TECH- Women’s Economic Security Program (Ministry of the Status of Women-Ontario); Co-designing online tools for holistic crisis planning (SSHRC); Sustainable, integrated smart communities: co-designing towards inclusiveness (SSHRC) and Design Thinking to optimize pre-surgical care: using big data for holistic and integrated patient care (SSHRC). Nastaran is also a committee member at GBC ethics board and an associate member of Human Factors Research Group, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom.